

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Top 10 Abs Exercises

Abdominal Hold

  • Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair (or step with four risers) and place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees.
  • Tighten your abs and bring your toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift your butt off the chair.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can -- aim for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Lower yourself down and repeat.
  • Continue this exercise for 1 minute.

The Side Crunch

A deceptively difficult move, the side crunch tests your balance while it teases your oblique muscles. (It worked my hips in a way I've not felt in a while, too.)

  • Kneel on the floor and lean all the way over to your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.
  • Keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg and point your toes.
  • Place your left hand behind your head, pointing your elbow toward the ceiling.
  • Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as you extend your arm above your leg, with your palm facing forward.
  • Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage toward your hip.
  • Lower to your starting position and repeat 6 to 8 times.
  • Do two sets of 6 to 8 reps, and then switch sides.

The Hundred

  • Sit tall on the mat with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides.
  • Lie down with your knees bent and your palms facing down.
  • Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat.
  • Vigorously pump your arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with your fingertips.
  • Inhale for 5 pumps, then exhale for 5 pumps. Be sure to curl your chin in toward your chest.
  • Do 100 pumps, or 10 full breaths.
  • Try to keep your lower back pressed in toward the floor and keep your lower abs pulled in toward your spine. You should keep your abs engaged this way throughout the workout.

Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Done during my workout warm-up, this move makes me feel longer, steadier, and seriously balanced. Thanks, core!

  • Begin on all fours, aligning your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders.
  • Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height.
  • Hold for 2 counts, reaching forward with your fingers and back with your heels.
  • Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.
  • Do 15 to 20 reps, alternating sides.
  • For a bigger challenge, touch your opposite elbow to your knee as you pull your arm and leg in.

The Prone Plank
A super-simple, do-anywhere move

  • Get into a full pushup position with your palms on the floor beneath your shoulders.
  • Hold here for 30 seconds, with your abs contracted and your arms and legs extended and your head aligned with your spine.
  • As you build strength, hold this position longer, up to one minute.
  • Go deeper: Try the one-arm stable switching plank.

Squat Thrust with Twist

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height.
  • Begin by squatting down, bending your knees 90 degrees, and twisting your upper body to the left.
  • Now come up and repeat the exercise to the right.
  • Keep your weight in your heels and don't allow your knees to jut forward away from your toes.
  • Keep your knees facing forward as your chest and shoulders move side to side.
  • For the best results, bend your knees as close to 90 degrees as possible.

The Climb Up
Crunchier than most of the lying-down crunches I've tried, this move also makes the cut simply because it's novel.

  • Start by lying on the floor with a 3-foot-long scarf or towel wrapped around the ball of your right foot, knees bent, left foot on the floor.
  • Hold the scarf in both hands, and extend your right leg, keeping your foot flexed.
  • Slowly walk your hands up the scarf as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold for a count of 2.
  • Now lower yourself back to the starting position, walking your hands back down the scarf.
  • Do two sets of 8 to 10 reps on each sides Be sure to keep your head neutral -- don't tuck your chin or tilt back.

Ballet Twist
I like the really generous side-stretching in this modified half-crunch. (When I first tried this move, I had a buddy hold my feet still at first until I got the motion down -- it was helpful to have her watch my form and correct the angle of my back.)

  • Sit on the floor and extend your legs, pressing them firmly together.
  • Lean back 45 degrees from the hips.
  • Keep your abs engaged as you bring both your arms overhead like a ballerina.
  • Slowly twist your torso to the right, placing your right arm on the mat. Keep your left arm reaching overhead for a slow count of 3.
  • Repeat the movement, keeping your left arm on the floor, and keeping your butt and heels on the floor.
  • Contract your abs to support your spine as you return to center, bringing both arms overhead.
  • Continue alternating sides. Do 2 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each side.

The Single-Leg Stretch
The top of my abs burns at first when I do this move consistently, and after a few days my whole six-pack feels engaged. Nice.

  • Lie back in the center of your mat with your knees bent. Lift your head and shoulders and curl your chin in toward your chest.
  • Inhale as you draw your left knee in toward your chest, placing your left hand on your ankle and your right hand on your knee.
  • Lift your right leg about 45 degrees off the floor.
  • Switch legs, extending your left leg while hugging your right leg to your chest.
  • Switch hand positions each time your switch legs, placing your right hand on your right ankle and your left hand on your right knee.
  • Do between 5 and 10 reps for each side.

The Cobra
After doing a series of regular crunches and other lying-down exercises, getting into cobra pose is a welcome change. It always makes me feel like I'm lengthening the front of my rib cage, too, which is a sweet reward.

  • Lie facedown on the floor with your palms near your chest.
  • Lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor, pulling your shoulder blades down and together.
  • Hold for 2 counts and then lower back down. Repeat 8 to 10 times.
  • For a more difficult exercise, try lifting your thighs and hips off the floor.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Why Ladies Should Lift Weights

The Big, Bulky Muscle Myth

So you’re afraid if you lift big, you’re going to get big, right? Well, you’re not alone. The most common myth about strength training is that it will create bulky, masculine muscles. Women intimate to me regularly the fear that they will end up looking like Ms. Olympia should they lift anything heavier than 5-pound dumbbells. That’s why programs like Pilates boast the development of lean, sculpted muscles. They know what you want, they just don’t know how to give it to you.

Let me go ahead and allay these fears. If you lift heavy, you will develop a musculature that is in line with your specific genetics. Ultimately, however, your body will develop as only it can.

You can’t fight genetics, but you can play the best hand with what you’re dealt. That involves training consistently, in a way that supports your body, but more importantly, it relies heavily on what you put in your mouth. Eating a diet of whole foods, rich with protein, vegetables and healthy fats will support a lean physique, and is an integral component to maintaining a fit, sleek body.

So, why won’t you get big, you ask?

The answer is testosterone; the hormone most frequently associated with the development of muscle mass.

This hormone, often referred to as the male sex hormone, is actually produced by women as well. However, women produce, on average, about 1/15th the amount that men do. Furthermore, the amount of free testosterone-that which is found in the bloodstream-is rather infinitesimal compared to the total amount produced in the body. This free testosterone is what is essentially responsible for stimulating physiological changes.

So it stands to reason, that if women produce significantly lower amounts of testosterone as compared to men, and of that testosterone, an even smaller amount can actually help increase muscle mass, the likelihood of a woman bulking up by just lifting heavy is astonishingly low. If it were that easy to get big, men wouldn’t spend so much time in the gym trying to do so.

Why You Should Lift, and Lift BIG

Now that you’ve been cleared of the most misleading reason not to lift big, let’s discuss the reasons you should. Interestingly, the very thing that leaves most women on cardio machines and out of the weight room, is one of the key components of fat loss.

You guessed it: testosterone and muscle mass.

I know what you must be thinking—this chick is crazy. She just told me I don’t produce enough testosterone to get big, and now she’s telling me I need that same testosterone to burn fat?

But don’t call shenanigans on me just yet. Let me explain why muscle mass is so integral to a fat loss program and how testosterone plays a role in that. Because testosterone is responsible for developing muscle mass, and your body produces testosterone (in addition to estrogen and progesterone), you will begin to increase the amount of lean mass you carry by lifting weights. Testosterone is also responsible for improving insulin sensitivity—which is really just a fancy way of saying that your body will be more efficient at responding to blood sugars and avoiding fat storage.

So, by lifting big, you won’t get huge (unless you decide to drastically supplement your testosterone beyond normal levels), and you will increase your metabolism.

The reason for this is simple: The more muscle, or lean mass, you possess, the more calories you will burn at any given time. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue that is critical for fat loss. The bigger you lift, the more lean mass you will gain, resulting in a lean, fat burning machine. And because muscle is more dense than fat, gaining it will actually make your body tighter and smaller. 

But fat loss and a sculpted physique are not the only reasons to lift big. There are benefits to pumping iron that might not catapult you into the weight-room, but will ultimately keep you there.

Strength is my secret weapon, for it has given me self-confidence and worth beyond measure. Because I can accomplish physical feats I had never thought possible, I am now more certain of my ability to crush any challenge that life sends my way. Where there was once doubt and despair, there is tenacity and fearlessness. I am a force, and a fit one at that. 

Mental and emotional benefits notwithstanding, there are physical advantages of lifting that eclipse the obvious aesthetic benefits. Ever have to move furniture? Lift boxes? Climb mountains of stairs? Serious lifting makes all of those things less cumbersome.

Strong makes life easier, in every sense of the word. Strong will make you sexier, more capable and self-sufficient. Strong is the answer, and lifting is the way to achieve it. 

Where to Begin

So you’re convinced, right?

You want your hottest body and a courageous, infallible disposition. You know that lifting won’t make you big and bulky, rather svelte and spirited. But, you might not know how to start a legitimate lifting program and are likely confused by all of the exercise regimens that saturate the fitness world.

Let’s demystify it a bit and go over some basics. First of all, the idea of lifting big is relative. Heavy is what is challenging for you, but still allows you to perform exercises with proper technique. Typically, I tell my clients that if they can lift something more than 10 times with ease and accuracy, it’s time to increase the load.

Secondly, an effective lifting program need not be complicated. All you need are a few basic concepts:

-Mobilize: activities that ensure your ability to move freely, such as foam rolling, focused stretching and joint mobility.

-Push: variations of pushups, overhead presses, lunges and squats.

-Pull: variations of chin-ups, rows and deadlifts.

-Stabilize: exercises to strengthen your trunk such as planks and farmers walks.

The following 3x/week basic program is a great place for beginners to realize their strength potential and start their body transformation:

Day 1
Squats: 6-8 reps
Bent over row: 8-10 reps
Push press: 8-10 reps
Perform these in order, then complete 3-5 rounds.
After that, pick your favorite cardio exercise. Go hard for 30 seconds, then rest (or go easy) for 60 seconds. Repeat this 5-8 times.

Day 2
Deadlifts: 6-8 reps
Pushups: 8-10 reps
Kettlebell swings: 15-20 reps
Perform these in order, then complete 3-5 rounds.
After that, pick your favorite cardio exercise. Go hard for 30 seconds, then rest (or go easy) for 45 seconds. Repeat this 5-8 times.

Day 3
Reverse lunges: 8-10 reps (each side)
Assisted Chin-ups: 5-8 reps
Jump squats: 5-8 reps
Perform these in order, then complete 3-5 rounds.
After that, pick your favorite cardio exercise. Go hard for 30 seconds, then rest (or go easy) for 30 seconds. Repeat this 5-8 times.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

"Mooncake" Mama

Flicking through my cookbooks (hardly any guidance from youtube), I decided since the mid-autumn lunar festival was a month away, I will take this opportunity to make jelly moon cake. If you asked is there another reason behind why I did this, Yes of course! After all there is a reason for everything, right?

Although it was my first time making jelly moon cake, it was relatively easy as long as you follow the recipe's instructions. Not sure why but my filling is just enough for only two to three moulds rather than the five stated in the recipe so I had to double the portion. The jelly moon cake turned out really well and I was totally amazed on how it looked. It really did resemble the real thing and it tasted oh so good! I managed to persuade some of my friends to eat some as I was really paranoid that only I felt it was nice.

Just a reminder, jelly moon cakes you have to quickly give them away or eat them in 1 or 2 days after you have done them since they don't keep well for too long. It is best to consume them within a week after making them as there are coconut milk in it.

For the jelly egg yolks
1/2 cup water
50g sugar
1 teaspoon agar-agar powder
2 knotted pandan leaves
1/3 cup thick coconut milk
1/2 tablespoon custard powder
1/8 teaspoon orange-red colouring
Equipment: Ball ice-cube trays

Bring water, sugar, agar-agar powder and pandan leaves to boil. Lower heat and add coconut milk, custard powder and colouring. Stir with a hand whisk and continue to cook until it thickens. Once the mixture starts to bubble, turn off heat and pour into the moulds.

Pour the jelly mixture up to brim of the lower ice tray and cover with the upper tray. Expect the mixture to overflow from the top. Place a heavy object on the ice tray to keep the cover in place and leave jelly to set completely, about 20 minutes.

Refrigerate for a further 30 minutes before removing the jelly egg yolks from the mould. Leave in a bowl for later use.

Ingredients For The White Jelly Skin

3 cups water
140g sugar
2 pandan leaves
5 tsp agar-agar powder

2 tbsp condensed milk
1/2 cup thick coconut milk or santan

Instructions To Make The White Jelly Skin

1.  Bring the first four ingredients to a boil
2.  Lower the heat and add in the condensed milk and coconut milk
3.  Stir continuously until the mixture starts to bubble again
4.  Turn off the heat immediately

Lastly, a big thank you, my besties, for helping all these.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Birthday Celebration

So I  turned 22 last month... I know right!? 22 years old!

I intended to blog about this earlier, but got caught up in that mayhem called life instead…
I had my 22th Birthday last week.

This year I decided to keep it simple, for a while I toyed with the idea of doing it at home. But I realized that if everybody came I would have about 15 grown up "kids",  and that would be impossible to do it in a tiny house. Not to mention the having to whip up enough food to feed the crowd, and coming up with enough entertainment to keep the "little" ones entertained while still trying to be a good hostess to my guests, and at the end of the party being left with a giant mess to clean.

Unfortunately, I wasn't in my best condition on that day ( abdomen pain, back pain, tiredness, headache and etc....)

Of course I did celebrate my birthday but in a way more simple than I've planned, and the best part of it is that I don't have to worry about the food and drinks or guests not liking the food, cause Pizza is a hit right ? Everybody love it to some extent (even if some will just eat the cheese topping and leave the crust).

After all what matters in a party is that all have fun. (Sleepovers with the girls was the best part, where you paint each other's nails, have cute trendy and awesome nails, sitting in the dark talking and giggling). The girls all arrived in their normal clothes, but brought their pajamas with them. It was hil-a-rious & so much fun. Well it all went extremely well during bedtime, I even had a plan of who was to sleep where. Well the joke was on me, these are little people with a will of their own and there own ideas.) Sometimes the simplest birthday party ideas work best. In fact that day was more like a sleep-over birthday party. =)

I was also overwhelmed with birthday wishes on Facebook that day. I always feel especially blessed on my birthday. I love when people take the time to wish me well and help me celebrate.

My favorite cake of the Night ( with my Name on it #yay ) 

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Gift of the Sea

Hello Everyone !

One of the highlights of my trip to Singapore was visiting the S.E.A Aquarium, being the world’s largest aquarium. True to the name of ‘the world’s largest aquarium’, S.E.A Aquarium houses hundreds of species of marine life from oceans and straits all around the world. Jellyfish, octopus, sharks, fish and even dolphins are present here. One of the major features of the aquarium is the viewing platform that showcases a replication of the open ocean. It’s a very surreal place, with huge creatures such as leopard sharks and manta rays drifting peacefully through the water.

As usual we were kinda putting things to the very last minute visiting the world’s largest oceanarium! My friends purchases the 1 day passes at $33 per adult. 

Well, good things are worth the wait right? Hahaha. I was so so so excited! :D I was totally looking forward to this because it was my first time being so close to marine life. 

Shipwreck! I wonder where did this come from? Don’t think they purposely sank a ship just for this..

Mr. Jellyfish

More Jellyfish

I thought the Jellyfish at the S.E.A. Aquarium section was quite interesting  The types of Jellyfishes available were those that I've never seen before.


Mr.Spider King Crabby



Here is a picture of the huge manta ray that was swimming in the tank. I personally liked the school of fish that swam harmoniously together in the shape of a ball in the giant aquarium.  I didn't even have to go scuba diving to see that.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Universal Love

Before I start, be forewarn that this post is extremely photo-intensive! So, let the story begins. Last week was one of the most anticipated day in recent years because I went Universal Studios Singapore with my friends and Sissy (informal sister)! I have been telling people around me how excited I was because it’s the first time I am visiting a theme park in 21 years of my life (turning 22 in 2days #yay ). Because you know what, I could finally meet up with the Madagascar, Puss in Boots, Shrek, the Elmo, and even Cleopatra.

Being a kid again :)

Hello Universal Studio Singapore! 

We arrived at about 1 pm and the place was not very packed since it wasn't a weekend and Singapore school holidays just ended . I was very impressed with the architectures, buildings and design because they are gorgeous! I don’t feel like I’m in Singapore once I stepped into the park. 

Our cute tickets

People were queuing up to take photo with him, but I manage to quickly snap a picture of him. LMAO. 

Mr. Frankenstein

Entering The Kingdom Far Far Away. (got this picture from my pro-editor friend, really like it)

The Shrek
The Castle

Our first stop was the Mummy ride. The main ride within this zone is Revenge of the Mummy, an Egyptian-themed indoor roller coaster. As you enter the building, you will walk through a narrow maze decorated with Egyptian artifacts. It was quite dark in there but once you are seated, you’ll begin having a surprising journey with a great story telling. The ride involves a backward motion, twisting and spinning and actually I don’t know what exactly they do to us, but really, this is a must ride if you happen to visit USS. 

I obviously loveeee Ancient Egypt! Well, I've never been to Egypt before, but this zone really has so many amazing HUGE statues and artifacts. It just looks so authentic to me. In conclusion, the ride is AMAZING! However, if your spouse or partners or friends do not like thrill ride, please don’t try this! I almost died that day on the Revenge of the Mummy’s ride and it was true. I swear I’m never going to take this ride again.

The Giant Mummy Guardian

Ancient Egypt 

So we proceed to the Sci-Fi City. The main ride here are Battlestar Galactica and Transformer, which is the most exciting and thrilling ride attraction in Universal Studio. My expectations were extremely high based on what I'd read and seen about it online but I am pleased to say that I was still absolutely blown away by the experience. I swear! Simply breath taking.

Here, you’ll ride a futuristic vehicle through an amazing transformer world and then you’ll be moving from one 3D scene to another. This ride has so many bumps, backward motion, fog, sound effect, and even a ‘falling’ effect. The 3D is so good that you want to reach out and touch stuff. You genuinely feel like you are in the middle of a battle in a Transformers movie. There was one moment when you are suddenly whipped into an office building and you crash the tables and then you crashed into the window and fall to the street and the transformer saved you. It was sooo fast, it has a great senses of speed, direction and turn and everything happens so fast! It's something that you just need to experience for yourself.

We managed to seat at front rows and you can feel the adrenalin rush through your blood vessel (Two thumbs up for the ride).

 Inside The Transformer The Ride

The Ultimate 3D battle

After the Transformers sickness any other ride in the park was bound to seem lame. I really should have left it for later instead of blowing my load so soon. 

My third favourite part of Universal Studios, after Mummy and Transformers was New York Street (last zone). Not a ride, but one of the many food and beverage outlets. Outside in the parking lot there were cute guys singing songs from the 50s / 60s. 

 In this area, there were a lot of performance we could see, from Sesame Street, Street Dance, Classic New York Show, etc. 

This zone is built based on post-modern New York City. When you walk on this zone you will fell like being in New York city. 

So…. That was the end of my journey

Reverse-shot (BYE)
But Wait !
The Main Picture is THIS 

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How Things End Up

So here's what happened!!

It was our 3rd day heading to Singapore. 
Just like the first 2 days, we started off the day early 
Awoke before 6AM, an inhuman time by my standard.
We arrive Singapore about eleven o'clock after passing through all customs (downside)

First we headed to the Singapore Zoo as what we planned.
We spend quite a bit of time at searching where/how to go there.
Using the mallfreemaps and asking around. 

Then there went something wrong some where
And all that was good and nice and yes
Became bad and rotten and no

We decided to take the train back to Bugis Junction, that was about 4pm.
As it's a Friday, we DIDN'T want to squeeze with those who just knock off from work.
So we opted not to take the train but the bus. (FASTEST way back home)
Out of no way, we ended up in one of Bugis-bus stop. 
We got lost then. We didn't know which bus to take to reach Woodland. lmao 

We ask around for directions and walk and walk and walk for half an hour looking for the bus station that goes to Woodlands. 

We did manage to make our way there. It was already 6pm. 
The queue was freaking long. We did hesitate for a second. HAHAHA 
Lined up ? 

Since we only have a limited amount of time (and energy)
We sat the CAB, and it was freakinggggggg expensive lorrrrrr
SGD 30 !!!

...........to be continue (awful day doesn't ends here)

Friday, 28 June 2013


The main reason we have fat thighs, fat hips or a fat butt, is
because of what we EAT

Remember: no one stores fat anywhere, unless they
consume more energy than they expend
Therefore, the ONLY way to get rid of fat thighs is to
In particular, we must EAT LESS FAT

We can't exercise it off, we can't massage it off, we can't beat it off,
the only solution is to EAT a SENSIBLE DIET

This is the only way to get lean thighs.
I see hundreds of overweight individuals, every year.
I've helped thousands of overweight people over the past 2 years.
If there was a quick-fix solution, I'd be the first to know


A good start is to watch your intake of FAT and REFINED CARBS
Think you don't eat much fat?
Many people say to me, "I hardly eat any fat."
But the truth is, most of them eat far more than they realize
You see, fat is very sneaky - it turns up in all sorts of foods without you noticing.
And some foods are real FAT-BOMBS

Let me give you six examples:1 little pat of butter on your roll = 8 grams of fat
1 spread of mayo on your sandwich = 8 grams of fat
1 tablespoon of dressing on your salad = 10 grams of fat
A handful of peanuts with your drink = 26 grams of fat
1 spoonful of cream in your soup = 10 grams of fat
1 cup of full-fat milk in your cereal = 7 grams of fat

 I've been working on toning up my legs, particularly my thighs, as with toned legs I look so much better in jeans. Throughout the last few months, I've stuck to five different exercises to slim and tone up my legs and, with just these five easy exercises, in less than two months, I now have the slim and toned legs I wanted.

Cycling on a Stationary Bike or Bicycle - Cycling was going to be at the top of my list.
So, I cycled 60 minutes every day on a stationary bike, doing 10 minute intervals of low-resistance and high-resistance pedaling followed by a five minute low-resistance cool down. In less than three weeks, the fronts of my thighs began to tone up, as did my butt. Soon after, my calves also started to look slimmer and sleeker. In fact, in less than six weeks, my thighs were 2 inches smaller than before I started and far more toned, and my butt was tight and firm. Try it. It works.
Pole Dance - is a sexy way to get great exercise, maintain fitness and have lots of fun.  Learn how to pole dance at home : http://on.aol.com/video/how-to-pole-dance---inverted-thigh-hold-140050259
Quick Leg Raises - Sit on the floor with your back leaning against a wall and your legs pointing straight out in front of you. Slowly raise your left leg about six inches to a foot off the floor and hold it. Lower it and repeat the movement with your right leg. Keep repeating with alternate legs until you've done at least 25 lifts with each leg. This is a wonderful exercise to tone the front of your thigh, and doesn't need any expensive equipment either.
Upside Down Splits - If your inner thighs need some toning, a fast and easy way to do that is to do sets of what I call 'upside down splits'. Lie on your back facing a wall and with your bottom pushed right up against it. Raise your legs up so that your legs are pressed against the wall, but your body is lying flat on the floor - like an 'L' shape.
Now, pull your legs apart, spreading your legs against the wall as wide as they can go - like upside down splits, until you can feel the muscles on your inner thighs pulling. Hold for 10 seconds. Move your legs back together. Spread apart again, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat.
I do around 100 of these every day and, needless to say, there isn't even a slight wiggle anywhere on my inner thighs.
Walking - Finally, walking. It's the best exercise you can get for your legs, bar none. I walk at least 30 minutes every day, more if I have time, and if I do this 5-6 days a week, I never have to worry about getting my legs toned. They already are.
Map out a route around your neighborhood or near your office, and walk that route every day. Start out slowly if you're new at it but, as the days go by, increase the speed you walk. After a couple of weeks, you should be up to a good speed and, if you pump your arms by your side as you walk, you'll get even faster.
Six weeks of this and your legs will look like they belong to a super model. Honest.
Getting your legs, and particularly thighs and butt toned, isn't that difficult. It just requires a bit of dedication and making a commitment to stick to these five easy exercises.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013












